Queensland Family History Society Inc


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General Meetings

The Management Committee conducts regular General Meetings and publishes regular reports to meet our governance requirements, to provide quality reporting to members, and to share significant information with members.

General Meetings

In addition to the Annual General Meeting in June, two significant General Meetings will be held each year, in March and September. Together, these will provide members with three major reporting occasions annually.

The purpose of the AGM is receive Annual Reports from both President and Treasurer and the audited financial statements for the financial year ending 30 March and to elect a new Management Committee for the next year.

The General Meetings in March and September will also have a reporting focus but they are expected to be more interactive occasions.  At these General Meetings, members will receive reports from the Society’s Executive Officers and each of the Strategic Priority champions.

The meeting agenda plus Executive Officers’ reports will be available on the website for member perusal 14 days prior to the General Meeting. Members will be able to register questions and comments beforehand to ensure a complete and informative response is provided to the meeting.

These three General Meetings of the membership are formal meetings and normal meeting procedures apply. The President will chair the meetings and minutes will be recorded and a draft published within 14 days of the meeting so any adjustments may be made while memories are still fresh.  This will allow administrative matters at the start of the following meeting to be dealt with efficiently so we can proceed to the purpose of the meetings – to receive reports and ask questions. 

Members may attend General Meetings, including the AGM, online via Zoom or in person at the Family History Research Centre. Regardless of method of participaton, registration is required via Eventbrite. Note: Links will be activated closer to the relevant dates.


Management Committee is confident that these arrangements meet the requirements for accountability and transparency.  We hope they will foster a greater understanding of the complexity of the Society and maintain confidence in the Society’s management. We urge all members to participate.

Management Committee, March 2023


Documents may be accessed here.


Dates for Meetings

Tuesday 24 September 2024    General Meeting

Dates for General Meetings next year will be advised when the calendar for 2025 is decided.