Queensland Family History Society Inc


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Colonial India and the Far East Special Interest Group


Indiafe2We look forward to welcoming you into our friendly, collaborative group where we explore the lives of individuals and families in Colonial India and the Far East and the places and times in which they lived.

Our meetings will combine sharing member information and ideas with short talks and presentations about this fascinating time and place. We hope it will give you new ideas on solving your brick wall, research problem or simply put some increased context around the people and places you are researching.

Colonial India at various times included: India (including the areas now known as Pakistan and Bangladesh), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, Assam, Burma (Myanmar), Kashmir, and the Persian Gulf Residency. From the 16th century, Portugal, Netherlands, Britain, France, and Denmark and their 'India Companies' all established a presence in these areas in pursuit of trade.

We aim to learn and laugh with each other as we explore the ever increasing and interesting resources available to research our family connections. You are welcome to join us.

For further information, please contact the convenors


The Group meets on the second Sunday on even-numbered months: February, April, June, August, October, and December between 10.30 am until 12.00 noon at:

QFHS Family History Research Centre
46 Delaware Street
Chermside, Qld

Next Meetings:


Dette Glenday   Wendy Angliss


A list of Key recommended online resources is being compiled for members.

Presentations from previous meetings available for QFHS members:

2019: Resources available in Brisbane
