Queensland Family History Society Inc


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Family & Local History Resource Directory for Victoria

Published 2010 ISBN 9780980776058

Although Google is now very much a part of how we do genealogy and family history in the 21st century, not everything is on the Internet. The Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria highlights major research repositories including archives, libraries, museums, other government departments, specialists organisations as well as smaller local societies which may not have an Internet presence.

Often it may be hard to find something online if you don't know that it exists and your search strategy doesn't bring it up. A printed directory can assist researchers to find places to look for their ancestors that they may not have previously thought of. Also, not everyone is totally comfortable working with computers and searching online and many prefer to work with a printed copy of the Directory rather than online.

Although geographically a small State, Victoria has a multitude of places to do original research. The Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria with its comprehensive index allows researchers to look for places their ancestors lived and to find what research repositories are in that local area.

The Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria is a must for anyone researching Victorian ancestors in Australia.

$33.50 incl P&P $5.00 per item
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