Allow yourself the privilege of having a fun day in family history and play the Trout Game.
The game simulates researching into an imaginary English Trout family using eleven types of records. Use the game to assess your skills using basic research techniques to see if you can get back to the 1500s. You may discover why you have brick walls in your research.
Numbers are limited and early bookings are essential.
Members Lounge - Trout Game
Family History Research Centre, 46 Delaware Street, Chermside
10.00 am to 4.00 pm
$5.00 includes morning and afternoon tea (BYO lunch)
The Game Master, Ann Swain, for bookings or enquiries. Email Trout Game or phone 07 3352 5537.
Please note: The Trout Game is held twice a year, although extra sessions will be arranged if there are sufficient numbers.